Telegram DM 账号被举报的次数是累计的吗?还是说是临时的?如果是临时的,for how long?我在 TG 上私聊别人被举报了。

“`I’m afraid some Telegram users found your messages annoying and forwarded them to our team of moderators for inspection. The moderators have confirmed the report and your account is now limited until 3 Mar 2025, 04:54 UTC.

While the account is limited, you will not be able to do certain things on Telegram, like writing to strangers who haven’t contacted you first or adding them to groups and channels.

Your account will be automatically released on 3 Mar 2025, 04:54 UTC. Please note, that if you keep doing what got you limited and users report you again, the limitations will last longer next time.“`

就是尚不清楚解除限制之后是否存在隐性限制,意味着我以后将不能再被举报或者也许一年内不能再被举报,有经验的人能来说说不,虽然号已经 5 6 年了,几乎没有主动私聊过别人

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